Modern Community
Better Living Through Modern … Community What is a community? Where can anybody find one in this new age of digital semi-reality? Do they still exist? Are places where people care for and look after one another actually extant in modern society? Communities today are yet created through the hands, hearts, and hard work of committed people, edifying both the single member and the group as a whole. Communities are more fluid now, perhaps, than they once were, but they are still a tangible source of support and encouragement. What is a [modern] community? How do you build one? They tell you it will be difficult, but really, you have no idea. It is August. It is hot. You are surrounded by an amalgamation of pint-sized and adult-sized furniture, dust motes, and a curious, but palpable nostalgia. The room is swathed in primary colors and the alphabet. Large windows line ...